2017 Regional Qualifiers
Silver Medalists-2nd best in the whole state of Texas!
Regional Champs for the second consecutive year, the girls doubles team of Cayman Sutton and Niki Barham will try to bring home the gold on trip number two to the state tournament in College Station at Texas A&M on May 16-17. Bronze medalists in 2015, seniors Niki and Cayman will have one last shot at the state championship.
Senior, Nick McFarland will make his first trip to state in boys singles after narrowly missing last year playing doubles. He had a hard fought battle in the semi final match after suffering a shoulder injury and leg cramps. Nick was determined to give it all he had, pain or no pain, and ended up making it to the finals where he finished second.
Landry Sheridan will be making his second appearance at the state tourney. In 2014, as a sophomore, he and his mixed doubles partner lost in the first round to the eventual state champs. His boys doubles partner, Dax Davis, will be playing for the first time at the state tennis tourney. These two seniors have one final goal as high school athletes…bring home gold.
We’re ALL in! 16/16/’16
That was our motto following our District Championship when 16 out of 16 players qualified for the regional tournament in 2016. We swept our district and all 8 girls and all 8 boys placed first or second to win a trip to the Region III 3A Tournament held in College Station. Our JV team also won their District Championship and earlier in the season our team barely missed another TEAM tennis state qualification by placing third at the regional tournament. So, needless to say, it’s been a very successful season.
BS – 1st – Nick McFarland 2nd – Collin Goode
GS – 1st – Addie Roling 2nd – Marie Johannsen
BD – 1st – Dax Davis/Landry Sheridan 2nd – Tyler Gill/Cameron Bates
GD – 1st – Cayman Sutton/Niki Barham 2nd – Sara Robinson/Kasey Carr
MD – 1st – Cade Palmer/Audrey Lunstedt 2nd – Conner Weeks/Allison Goll
WO Tennis 2016
The beginning of Tennis Season 2016 has been great so far. Although our first scheduled match with Gladewater was cancelled due to rain, the other days have been filled with sunshine and mostly warm weather. The first tournament in Hallsville was tough versing 4A and 5A schools. White Oak had two medalists, Cayman Sutton and Niki Barham, who placed second in Division 1 Girls Doubles. Collin Goode finished in the top 4 of Division 2 Boys Singles.
Gladewater Winter Classic
It was a beautiful day for the second tournament of the season. First place finishers were Nick McFarland, BS, Cayman Sutton and Niki Barham, GD, Cade Palmer and Marie Johannsen, MD. Sara Robinson and Ashlee Wyatt place second in GD. Collin Goode won third place in BS and Cameron Marlow and Preston Ware were consolation winners in BD. Some of our freshmen and new players were able to participate in their first tournament and realized that much more practice is needed to reach the skill level to be successful in the future.

Medalists: Back row-Cameron, Preston, Cade, Nick, Ashlee, Collin, Sara Front row-Niki, Cayman, Marie
Regional Champs – 1st X State Qualifiers in Tennis
15 Regional Qualifiers!
District Champs-Girls & Boys-Varsity & JV!!!
“Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!”
March 3, 2015
Hallelujah!!! The warm sun and clear blue skies appeared this afternoon, same day our Longview JV Tourney was cancelled due to wet courts earlier that morning. This was our first practice since February 21, and it was a good one. We were so happy to be hitting tennis balls and soaking in those rejuvenating rays of sunshine. It was my first opportunity to see the basketball players that just now got to start playing tennis show off their skills. I was pleased with their improvement from last year. It was a great time had by all!
March 4 1:00
But…unfortunately, the 70 degree temp, blue skies and dry courts did not last long. The pouring rain has been coming down all day, and the dams are about to break! Needless to say, no tennis today. 🙁
Our season is over halfway complete with only two tournaments to play before district, so after spring break, we are going to have to put in double time to make up for all these days off. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. 🙂
March 19- Gladewater Bear Invitational
March 24- Kilgore JV Tourney
March 27- Longview Tournament
April 2- District Tournament – Varsity & JV – @ Gladewater